“When I was six years old, my family was in a very difficult financial place – we were struggling. That Christmas, a local church chose my family to receive food and gifts. It was a complete surprise when they knocked on our door and they were Santa for me. It was truly magical, and I remember being so excited and happy and wanting to be a grown up like they were one day. That moment of gratitude and experiencing humanity at our finest motivates me to do social justice work. I want to share that feeling of love and being cared for with my community.”
Monique brings more than twenty years of experience working with social change organizations and leaders to fortify the core of the organization, aligning mission with resources and outcomes. Monique integrates the wisdom of earth-based traditions with sound organizational change theory to create holistic transformation for individuals and organizations. Monique approaches each coaching client knowing that a fascinating, and often hidden, narrative shapes how the client functions – asking the right questions timed thoughtfully and provocatively moves clients to their next level of excellence. Monique works with nonprofit leaders to set meaningful and attainable goals ranging from stress management and self-care to cultural competence and fundraising. Ultimately, she works with nonprofit leaders to increase their emotional and social intelligence – the most important factors in creating vibrant, productive, and sustainable organizations and movements.
As a fundraising and organization development professional, she successfully authored multi-million dollar grants, directed multi-year strategic planning processes and worked with leadership teams to resolve longstanding conflicts. These organizations include: Habitat for Humanity of the Chesapeake, Portland Jobs with Justice, Leadership Conference for Civil and Human Rights, Community Mediation, Dignity USA, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, and National Immigration Project of the National Lawyers Guild. She also provides leadership coaching to nonprofit leaders of color through CompassPoint Nonprofit Services.
Monique is a featured activist in The Spirit of Social Change: Love, Hope, Faith and Joy in Intersectional Activism and published author in Spirited: Affirming the Soul and the Black Gay/Lesbian Identity. Monique earned a Master’s degree in Organization Development from American University in Washington, D.C. where she was awarded a Segal-Seashore Fellowship for her commitment to social justice. She also has a certificate from the Hartford Seminary in Women’s Leadership, is a certified coach and a Reiki Master.
Monique currently resides in Maryland.